
Sunday, January 27, 2008


By: Jackson Tan

Most of the time, we always try to distinct money and happiness or simply say that money can’t buy you happiness. I do not agree totally to this statement but there some truth in it.

It is a weird thought to think that when you are rich, you cannot be happy or vice versa. Look at Bill Gates or Donald Trump, do you think they are very unhappy with the money they have? They have both the money and happiness. They worked hard for both items.

To me, both happiness and money is as important. If you still ask me which is more important, I will ask you which hand of yours is more precious? Left hand or right hand? Get what I mean? You cannot directly compare the both but they are indirectly link to each other as well.

Having a wealthy life with financial freedom might not gain you happiness but looking at your situation, you are already more fortunate than many others who are pursing their freedom. In this world, there are many things that need to be pay by money, your dream house, car and grand wedding, they all need money. Is it reasonable for me to say that, in this case, when you have the money, you will be able to fulfill the above dreams and you are most likely to be happy.

I guess money still can buy some happiness to a certain extend. Some may argue that this kind of happiness is short term and when your dreams/goals are fulfilled; your expectations increase and become unhappy again till your new expectations are met. I mean this is unavoidable as humans are creatures that sought after improvements after improvements. If not, there would not be internet and you can’t be reading this now.

So having some money is still an advantage to have in the pursuit of happiness. But, in the end is always best to have both happiness and wealth.


By: Barry Brenner

Are you paying a fortune to insure your teenage driver? You really don't have to.

Some car insurance companies will charge you for your teenage driver when they turn sixteen. Some won't. Call your carrier ahead of time to find out what their policy is.

The most costly coverage on your auto insurance policy is the collision coverage. Collision coverage covers damage to your vehicle when it is involved in an at-fault accident. I.e. you hit someone or something. New drivers, no matter what age, are rated higher and cost more due to their lack of driving experience.

To save on the cost of the collision coverage on a new driver, consider purchasing a used vehicle that cost between one thousand five hundred and three thousand five hundred dollars. Make sure that it is mechanically sound for your driving needs. If you want to cover this vehicle for theft and vandalism, you can purchase comprehensive coverage. Instead of purchasing collision coverage on this vehicle, purchase uninsured motorist property damage coverage.

Uninsured motorist property damage coverage protects your vehicle for up to a limited amount if an uninsured motorist hits it and you can identify the driver and the vehicle. That way if anyone hits you, even if they have no insurance, your vehicle will be repaired or you will receive payment from your insurance company for the fair market value of the vehicle. Some insurance companies include a deductible with this coverage. Your savings could be anywhere from five hundred to two thousand dollars per year for your first three years of driving. How much does that add up to after three years?

When my daughter turned sixteen this year, I was faced with this dilemma. I own a 2002 Honda Accord and a 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer. My auto insurance carrier wanted to increase my premium by two thousand dollars every six months to add her onto the policy.

I bought her a 1970 Plymouth, in good mechanical condition, and found a different top insurance company that charged me $642.00 every six months for the Plymouth with her on the policy. This policy came with permissive driving as a standard feature. This means that any other car she drove, including my other cars, were covered by this policy.

After I purchased the policy on the Plymouth, I was then able to add her onto my current policy for my Honda and Mitsubishi as a not rated driver without any additional cost. If she causes an accident while driving my Honda or Mitsubishi, the policy on the Plymouth would come first with its' coverage's. Then my current policy would come second, if necessary.

My current carrier wanted $1,200.00 every six months if I added the 1970 Plymouth and my daughter onto the policy. So I ended up saving over $1,100.00 a year on my car insurance.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


By: Liz Pauley

If you could put more money in your pocket, this summer, would you? Well, you can, by lowering your cooling bill. Chances are, it's higher than it needs to be. You'll be surprised at what you can save. No sacrifice required. Check out these quick and easy maintenance tips that can put you on your way to lower bills in no time.

Quick Facts About Your Central AC

Your central air conditioning (AC) system circulates cool air through your house through supply and return ducts (often the same ducts used for heat in the winter). A typical central AC system has an evaporator, condenser and compressor in a single cabinet located outside the house (usually on a concrete slab right next to it), or alternately, a condenser and compressor outside and an evaporator in a separate cabinet, inside (usually in the basement or crawl space). Both systems have a blower that forces indoor air through the coil of the evaporator where it's cooled, dehumidified, and sent through the ductwork into the house. The heat collected by the evaporator is transferred to the condenser (outside) to dissipate.

Change the Air Filter

This is the most important thing you can do to help keep your system working at peak efficiency. The air moving across the evaporator is cleaned before it gets there by a filter located in the return air duct (usually within easy reach in a wall or ceiling, or at the air conditioner itself). Filters get dirty and clogged through regular use; the dirtier they get, the less air gets through the system. The dirty air that gets through is carried right to the evaporator. Dirt sticking to the evaporator coil further impedes air flow, reduces the evaporator's ability to absorb heat and can reduce your system's efficiency by as much as 10 percent. Not to mention, that dirty air is circulated right back through your house.

Air filters are made by a number of manufacturers and come in a variety of types and efficiencies.

* Most residential systems use 1-inch or 2-inch flat or pleated fiberglass "throwaway" filters (thicker filters may hold more dust but are not necessarily more efficient).

* There are also "permanent" type filters: mesh, electrostatic and electronic, some with pre-filters that collect larger dust particles.

* If you or a family member suffers with allergies or sensitivity to dust or other particulates (i.e., tobacco smoke, pollen or pet dander), consider using a High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter, also known as a HEPA filter. These are specially constructed filters that allow a high volume of air to pass through them while stopping even very tiny particles.

* If you have any question about the right filter for your system, don't guess; check with a professional service technician.

Whatever type of air filter you use, inspect it and either clean it or replace it about once a month during peak cooling season or more often if you're living in dusty conditions or with pets. Never run your system without the filter in place.

Clean Evaporator Coils and Fins

Even if you regularly change your air filter, dirt will still accumulate on the evaporator over time. Check your evaporator coils at least once a year and clean them if necessary, using a vacuum cleaner with brush attachment, careful not to bend the fins.

Clean Condenser Coils and Fins

Condenser coils and fins (outside) are also vulnerable to dirt - from debris and leaves falling from trees, cut grass kicked up by the lawnmower, and lint from a nearby dryer vent - so, check the condenser unit at the beginning of the cooling season. Cut the power to the unit and use the following checklist:

* Gently remove any debris from top and sides.

* Sweep the concrete pad.

* Prune back any overhanging leaves (2 feet is the minimum recommended clearance; 5 feet overhead).

* Use a soft brush to sweep the fins.

* (Optional) Spray the fins with a gentle household cleaner; let it sit for 5 minutes, then gently hose them down pointing the spray into the interior through the fan opening.

* Keep the unit free of dirt and debris throughout the season.

* If you can shade your unit (without blocking airflow), even better: the shaded air around your system will be cooler, and a properly shaded system can operate up to 10 percent more efficiently over the course of the season.

Keeping your evaporator and condenser coils free of dirt and debris can improve your system's performance by as much as 10 percent. Just be careful with those fins. They're a little fragile and easily bent. It's best to use a special tool called a fin comb to straighten them. Those are available through your local home center or online. Be sure to buy the correct comb for the number of fins per inch your unit has.

Other Simple Steps to Savings

* Anything that obstructs the flow of air through your system reduces its efficiency and drives up your bill -- keep your registers clear of furniture, drapes and other obstructions.

* Keep all exterior doors and windows closed when operating the system.

* Raise your temperature setting. Raising the setting even 1 degree can lower your bill by as much as 9 percent over the course of the season.

* Keep your system set on "AUTO" and let your thermostat do its job. If you find you need to run the fan constantly to keep cool, it's time to call a technician.

* Set your system to recirculate the indoor air (if you have the option) rather than drawing outside air. Conditioning the warmer outside air takes far more energy than simply recirculating the already conditioned household air.

* A little money spent could equal a lot of money saved: have a qualified service technician check your system at least once a year. The technician will measure your refrigerant to see if it needs recharging, inspect your coils, measure air flow over the cooling coil, and will do a thorough inspection of the motor, compressor, air handler, and ducts (and of course, the air filter). The technician can spot potentially costly problems early or help you avoid them entirely.

For Owners of Older Houses

If you're still using a central air conditioning system manufactured during the 1970s, you're likely using 30-50 percent more energy than a more recently manufactured unit would use. Even if your unit is only ten years old, replacing it with a new, more efficient unit can save you 20-40 percent in cooling costs. Over the life of the unit, that's considerable savings, especially with energy costs continuing to rise.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


By: Yoshi Kundagawa

If you're like me, you're probably thinking of ways to make you just that little bit richer, and without having to worry about changing jobs or working too hard to do so. Well, the great news is that there are hundreds of ways to do this on the internet, and the even better news is that you can start today. It's called MLM marketing, and there are many MLM companies out there, so you're bound to find one that interests you. However, make sure you do what I did, and check these companies out first before spending anything.

MLM marketing (or Multi Level Marketing) is pretty easy, and that's what I like about it. Basically, you get something to sell, and find other people to not only buy it, but sell it for you too. Then you all get a share of the profits, so everybody wins! Great, huh? But like I say, there are hundreds of MLM companies out there, so I recommend you do the following to make sure you get hooked up with the best:

* Look at the company's track record. This is pretty easy to do, but it can save you a whole heap of money. When I was looking for the right MLM company, I made sure I found out how long they'd been going. This is really a no-brainer, since it's usually the best companies that last the longest.

* Ask about a fixed phone number and a real address. Let's face it, you and I know that without an address, you're classed as homeless, and do you really want to give all your money away to a homeless company? Me neither. And unless they have a phone number where I can reach them day or night, they're not getting my money either.

* Speak to real people. I had seen a lot of "testimonials" by people who'd succeeded at companies while I was looking for the MLM company I wanted to join. But then I thought anyone can write a testimonial, and it could all be made up too! So try and speak to actual people who've been successful within that company. It's pretty easy to do, as well - if it's a decent company, the owner will give you names of people you can actually speak to.

* Costs. This is one of the biggest things you need to check. Like I say, I'm not rich so I can't afford to throw money left, right and center. So I made sure I knew what extra costs might be involved, like a monthly subscription or minimum purchases of the things I want to sell.

* Ask what the realistic potential of the business is. Sure, I could tell you that I want to make a million in my first year, but come on - how likely is that? So find out what you need to spend, and how much you should expect back.

At the end of the day, a good MLM company wants you to succeed just as much as you do. After all, any profit I make, they'll make too. So don't be afraid to ask questions beforehand - I did, and now I'm making a nice amount to allow me extra vacation this year, and I can't argue with that!

Monday, January 14, 2008


By: Robert John Beckwith

With so many money making programs flooding the internet these days it can become overwhelming. It can become difficult to determine which ones are legitamate and which ones are "scams", "gifting programs", or "pyramid schemes". I would recommend doing extensive research on any one particular program before joining

What you can do and what I look for is, are the owners contact information readily available on their website. This is very important and I would suggest you contact them with any questions you may have. Take note of how fast they respond to your inquiry and if they seem honest about the costs involved engaging in the program. This will provide invaluable piece of mind and confidence for you in the long run.

I have joined programs without contacting the administrator and have been burned in the past. I have found the ones that provide good communication are the ones worth your time and money. The programs with poor response or communication are generally the scam programs so proceed with much caution. I would not recommend joining these.

There are some programs that even offer various "levels" from which to choose. I would recommend these for anyone looking to add some cash to their bank accounts. In addition some of these really are decent business opportunities which will require you to obtain a merchant account to accept all types of payment on your websites.

Many of these programs will offer software from which you can download, use for yourself, and later resell for profit. This is a good business model to get involved with on the internet because most purchases on the internet are digital downloads for various software programs. Most of the software you will receive is worth thousands of dollars that you will have access to at below wholesale cost which will turn big profits for you.

Anyone who is interested in starting their own business online would definitely benefit from doing some research before jumping into whatever looks good. There are unfortunately many programs that just don't work or require tons of cash to benefit from. So do your homework, call the owners, and decide which program is best suited for you.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


By: Mene Asije

Imagine you found a magic lamp and discovered that the Genie inside not only gave you 3 wishes but gave you a lifetime of wishes. What would you wish for?

More money?

Most of us have grown up to believe that we have to work hard for our money, or that wanting more money is a sin, its wrong! The truth is money allows us to experience many wonderful things in life which without it is impossible. By that I don’t mean our lives our meaningless without it because that would be untrue. What I am saying is that money brings with it more opportunities for us to create different experiences that without it we do miss out on. Life is supposed to be abundant for us all not just for a select few and we are now living in an age where the real knowledge about earning money is out there for us to grasp onto, awaken the urges within us all and open the lid on the box so to speak.

It is easy to earn money and every person who enjoys the abundance of wealth has known how easy it is for a long time. There was a small percentage of people who have by applying the methods I will reveal to you shortly, created wonderful experiences in their lives simply because they knew how to. There is even scientific evidence in favour of what I’m going to talk about. Regardless of whether you believe it or not this works; whether you focus on it or not this works, and it is quite difficult to dismiss as the results you get can be miraculous, quick and phenomenal once you start to focus on it with unwavering strength.

What I am referring to is ‘Prosperity Consciousness’. Prosperity Consciousness links nicely into and is an aspect of The Law of Attraction. If you are unfamiliar with this law, briefly put this is a universal law like the law of gravity in which it states like attracts like. Simply put the law of attraction says whatever you think about most you will attract into your life. Bob Proctor an expert on the law of attraction for over 45 years believes “Everything that’s coming into your life you are attracting into your life…it’s what you’re thinking. Everything that goes on in your mind you are attracting to you.” There’s a lot more to it than the brief explanation above but I will explain it to you in more detail focussing just on Prosperity Consciousness to show you how you can attract more money into your life.

First of all you need to understand what money is? Most of us see money as the paper we fold up and put in to our pockets or as numbers on a computer screen. That is not money. That’s its representation it is not money. This representation is just a piece or pieces of paper with ink on it or numbers on a computer screen. Money is much more than that. Money is an idea a concept. With it we have many more experiences and it allows us to grow spiritually and intellectually. Without it we experience lack and difficult experiences.

We are all so use to trading our services in exchange for money, the more valuable our service, the more money we receive. We have limited our beliefs by thinking we have to work hard for our money which is not true. Money is an idea which you give energy to and attract to you from the thoughts you think in your head as well as how you feel and your beliefs about money. Now if this is the first time you are hearing this then you many think I’m talking nonsense. Believe me I’m not. Let me explain.

If you want more money in your life, first of all you must change how you view money. For example, if you have these kinds of beliefs, ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees’, or ‘You have to work hard for your money’, or ‘Money doesn’t come easily’, these are negative thought patterns and will not attract money into your life. In fact it will do the complete opposite. This thought pattern will hold you back and create a negative reality for you. If you are the type of person who is always complaining about not having enough money then the law of attraction gives you what you think about most which is not having enough money. You need to think the kind of thoughts that attract prosperity to you. Thoughts like “I have more than enough”, or “I am a magnet to money”. We are what we think and being Prosperity Consciousness is the key to increasing your wealth.

Being Prosperity Conscious is not difficult. Begin by changing your beliefs about money. Think thoughts of abundance and wealth. If you are serious bout increasing your wealth, your predominant thoughts should be of wealth. Scientists now know and can prove that our thoughts carry frequencies, just like a radio signal carries frequencies. If we are constantly thinking the same thoughts over and over again, these thoughts will manifest into our realities and we will attract more of what we are thinking about. Just think about it for a second. Everything you have achieved in your life so far started with a thought or an idea you had. You then followed that thought or idea through by acting on it until you created in your life that which you once thought about. The same is true of wealth. If you want more money in you life you have to think positively about it and the law of attraction will give you more of what it is your thinking about.

You also have to feel good about money to attract more to you. Start by thinking, feeling and believing, “I have more than enough money”, or “There is an abundance of money it’s on its way to me”, or “I am a money magnet”, or “I love money and money loves me”. I can guarantee you that everyone who has successfully gathered wealth in their lives thinks good thoughts about money and never focuses on the lack of it. Remember, there is enough of it to go around there is unlimited amounts of wealth available to each and every one of us. It’s never going to run out. How can it it’s an idea which starts in our minds?

Hand in hand with thinking positive thoughts about wealth and abundance is visualisations. Visualisations are a powerful way to put the thoughts in your mind into images. It’s a way of meditating on what you want by creating the life you want in your mind by way of pictures. Did you know that visualisations are so powerful that when you visualise your desires in your mind your brain can’t tell the difference between whether you have experienced it in real life or not? Let me give you an example. As an experiment an athlete was wired up to a computer to test the power of visualisations. He was asked to run his race in his mind as if he was doing it for real on the running track. The results where astounding. It showed that his brain responded in the same way when he was running the race in his mind as when he was running the race for real. It did not know the difference. That’s how powerful the brain is. Don’t underestimate it. We are only just beginning to realize our potential and yet we still have a long way to go to understanding it fully.

To bring all of what I have said together I need to explain one more thing. In order to start the ball rolling and a must for attracting anything into you life is gratitude. Be grateful for what you already have. Everyday be grateful for all the good things you have in your life. This will attract more of what you’re grateful for to you. Remember like attracts like. If you think negative thoughts that is what you will attract more of into your life. If you think positive thoughts that is what you will attract more of into your life. The choice is yours but life is meant to be abundant for us all and is no longer just for the select few who understood the law of attraction long before the secret was revealed. Be happy and joyful for who you are and what you have experienced so far in your life. It will be difficult to attract wealth into your life without these ground rules. Our thoughts create things, go ahead and make your wishes come true and be grateful every step of the way.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Where is your focus? What message are you conveying?

Whatever you are doing in your life or business, perhaps consider the message which is behind the following google research that I have recently done with one of our Certified Wealth Mentors George Vieth whilst "word-smithing" how we define our own values and brand messaging. This may help you re-define your own messaging in terms of focus, simplicity and connecting to what people are looking for.

For us, it very much clarified the Financial DNA brand promise is that "we guide and give you the education to help balance your life and money". This is very consistent with our "Understanding People before Numbers Philosophy".

We did a very simple google search of how many websites the following words were listed on:

Life 1.3 Billion Websites
Family 833 Million Websites
Plan 745 Million Websites
Guide 699 Million Websites
House 697 Million Websites
Money 678 Million Websites
Education 661 Million Websites
Children 516 Million Websites
Financial 430 Million Websites
Relationships 410 Million Websites
God 343 Million Websites
Risk 320 Million Websites
Balance 317 Million Websites
Financial Plan 347 Million Websites
Knowledge 355 Million Websites
Savings 215 Million Websites
Goals 196 Million Websites
Youth 190 Million Websites
Behavior 179 Million Websites
Business Owner 156 Million Websites
Coach 133 Million Websites
Retirement 108 Million Websites
Investing 98 Million Websites
Charity 98 Million Websites
Wealth 95 Million Websites
Align 95.5 Million Websites
Personality 78 Million Websites
Advisor 77.5 Million Websites
Wisdom 77 Million Websites
Entrepreneur 50.3 Million Websites
Mentor 43.8 Million Websites
Philanthropy 14.8 Million Websites

I would be interested to hear your thoughts on what this means to you.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


By: Geoff Morris

Are you one of these people that have become addicted to on-line gaming?

Do you relish in the thrill of being able to pit your skills, not just against an on-line game, but against a worthy opponent who is also on-line at the same time?

How about joining in an online tournament across the globe?

Have you become so finely attuned to online gaming, that anything apart from the latest, coolest, and most challenging games, bores you to tears?

Have you been to an Internet CafĂ© recently, and seen many of the booths occupied for ages while on-line games are taking place with much gusto (or perhaps you have been the one that was waiting ‘patiently?' for your turn, or even trying to get in to send an important email).

Well, if you are one of these Gamers (do we have a word yet for an over-enthusiastic on-line games player?), do you ever have a pang of remorse about how much time you spend on this drug-like craze. No, of course you don't, but check this out…

Would you believe that there are sites out there now that can offer you not just an opportunity for you to indulge in your favourite pastime, but also turn it into genuine money making home business?

Wow! Imagine that! When you get shouted at by your boss / partner for ‘wasting time in front of that screen', you just turn round and say ‘but it's my job…'

Imagine telling your boss late (i.e. you roll in at 10.30 am) on one Monday morning that you just can't find the time to come to work any more… you're too busy trying out the latest, coolest, and mind-challenging game to have a boring day time job any more. Anyway, you're making more money with your favourite pastime…

If any of you are having a pang of conscience right now, forget it! The US Government, in a recent survey, stated that ‘short periods of high intensity, challenging games actually stimulate the brain, making productivity at work increase, not decrease'.

The point is, that this phenomenon has become so big, it cannot be hidden away. The ground swell for on-line games has become unstoppable, as more and more of us have a greater amount of leisure time, more and more of us are taking part in this activity.

Bear in mind, we are not talking about gambling here, we are talking about actual games that have a great deal of skill involved, not just luck as in ordinary gambling.

As an active Gamer, you will be aware of the vast amounts of information contained on thousands of Games Forums and Chat Rooms, and if you are not an avid Gamer, then the language you will encounter may take some translation (not just from spotty faced teenager, but also the granddad in the next booth to you!).

So how can you possibly make a home business out of all this? I mean, to meet the quite strict gaming rules, stakes on games can not be more than around $10-$15 (although tournaments can be a lot higher).

But look at the way technology has moved to provide you with all the tools you need for effective on-screen performance. Next to porn sites (which I don't recommend) these games sites are driving technology forward, and with the surge in interest, comes masses of traffic to these sites.

Now, not to get too technical here, but the way to a successful web site is to enable masses of visitors (traffic) to come to your site very day. is showing about 4 times more traffic to some gaming sites than Virgin Atlantic, Ford, and Visa.

So, if you can the identify a Gaming site that combines all the latest, coolest on-line games, with people being able to identify who is available to play at any time, using a social networking facility, and an excellent and easy to understand pay plan, then join it while you can. Get in at the beginning, before millions join after you, locking in your (expanding) income stream while also enabling you to play the best games against the best opponents on the web ( in fact - in the world).

Some of the world's biggest network marketers are calling this phenomenon the next MySpace, YouTube, Google, EBay.

Look around carefully, as there are a number of sites in pre pre-launch right now, and although many of us may have missed massive opportunities in the past (who wanted Microsoft shares in the 80's at $1?), now is the time to search the net, and join one of a number of fledgling sites that will not remain embryonic for very long. Then, as they grow, so does your business and its ‘Goodbye to your Boss, Hello Financial Freedom.'

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


By: Calvin Leonard

Its no secret that Google gets most of the traffic on the internet, followed closely by Yahoo and MSN back in third place.So if we're going to beat the next guy at getting some free search engine traffic what is required and where would you start?

Well first of all you have to realise that you aren't likely to rank at the top of most keywords overnight, infact it can take months of hard work to rank for high traffic keywords so the key here is to start with keywords you can target that don't have a lot of competition.This makes your job 50% easier before you even load a page to the internet.

Next lets look at the specific engines, google takes the longest to rank for out of the top 3 so I like to look closely at MSN search because my experience tells me that even though they dont get anywhere the same amount of traffic I can rank higher and faster here.So my first port of call is to do keyword research specifically with MSN in mind.I use a few tools here but by far the easiest way to do this is to use the free keyword reseach tool at .Here you can check keyword patterns and traffic patterns for your desired keywords to see how many searches are performed in the major engines, and also to find spin off keywords you probably would'nt have considered before.You can also check both Overture and Wordtrackers results against each other here to get a feel for how the traffic patterns are going to be for a top rank with your selected keyword.

A rule of thumb I use for MSN is that the traffic for any keyword I search in digital points tool is divided by approx 3-4 to give me an idea of the traffic in MSN.So if my desired keyword had 1000 searches per day according to both Wordtracker and Overture then I can confidently say a number 1 rank in MSN should provide about 300 searches.This doesnt mesn you will get 300 hits , in fact you may only get about half the searchers hit your site through MSN or any search engines for that matter even if you rank # 1.

So now I can confidently say a top rank for that keyword will provide approx 150 hits or visitors per day.So now we have chosen a keyword that looks good whats next?

Check out the competition on MSN.Theres no point choosing words that you realistically will never rank for .The competition pays big money to be at the top so unless you have the same budget stay away from that game.Those so called gurus of the internet will squash you .My reccommendation is to rank for terms that have less traffic and thats easier to get to #1, especially in MSN.

So what am I looking for when it it comes to my competition ? well we all know that relevant , theme related inbound, 1 way links from authority sites are the easiest way to rank # 1 or top 10.

In fact it doesnt take too many high quality inbound links to rank for thousands upon thousands of terms.So here is where the fun begins, After you have uploaded your site and optimised the page with all the relevant html tags etc then gathering links to your page is the single most important task you can undertake to rank.I am not an authority on link gathering but here are a few suggestions.

Write high quality articles about your chosen subject or pay someone to write articles , then submit them to the free article directories, here your article will be picked up by other webmasters and placed on their site with your link on them, This can create many many 1 way links very quickly for your page.

Approach other webmasters in your chosen topic and request link exchange(I personally dont do this as its boring and outdated and honestly is very time consuming)

Use social bookmark sites like to get your content out there and also to get you links from your tags.The search engines love social bookmark sites, I use about 25 of them and they always provide high quality 1 way links, and often with very high PR.

Write a blog about your site and link to it then feed that blog using rss or other syndication methods.this can also provide 1 way links and better results in the search engines.

Buy links. Yes buy them , a few high quality , related links with good Google Page Rank will help massively.

These few ideas I use every day and many more to get traffic and beat the next guy in the engines, especially MSN.

So there you have it a few small ideas to get you moving so go forth and "make money".

So the only thing left to do after you have achieved a top rank for a number of keyword terms is to make money from them and here are my top two ideas for making money that I use everyday.

1) Google adsense, Sign up free and place the ad code on your page and you will earn a share of each and every click visitors make from those ad blocks.

There are dozens of other places you can earn on a "pay per click " basis but Google stands out head and shoulders above the rest in my opinion.

2) Affiliate marketing, If your site or page is about losing weight, then sign up free as an affiliate to any one of hundreds of sites that sell these type of products .Then place a link on your page which has your personal code embedded into it and if a visitor clicks on your link and decides to buy then you will recieve a share of that sale.Sometimes as high 70% of that sale.

So there you have it, now go out there and make some money online, because if you dont I will do it for you.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


By: Chris Peterson

Free money making websites, are they really worth your time. You bet they are! As long as you work at marketing these sites, you can make money with them. Of course it has to be the right opportunity.

Does the free money making website offer products or services that are in demand? If so than you have a winning combination. There are many free opportunities to make money online if you just do a little looking. Most money making sites offer you an affiliate program to join for free.

By joining these affiliate programs, you get an instant sales page type site to market and earn commissions from. Commissions will vary from program to program. Of course most free money making websites offer some type of upgraded feautures, such as higher commission rates and extra bells and whistles for the site.

You can start your online business for free and after you have made a few sales upgrade to reap the benefits. It is completely up to you.

Many free websites utilize Clickbank Marketplace to give you a larger selection of digital products to sell from a single website. Examples of these sites are CBDeluxe, CBGlobe, CB-Top as well as CB MALL.

These income opportunities are perfect examples of the free money making website in action. I have generated sales through these opportunities and also sales from giving them away for free as people decided to upgrade their websites.

These sites offer you an affiliate downline as well, so you not on will you make commissions from your sales, you will make commssions from the sales of your downline members as well. What else could you ask for in an online business?

It is the perfect way to actually test the waters ,so to say before you invest in the extra selling features. And once you are earning, that money covers upgrading your websites. A smart way to start out your money making online business.

Another great resource for websites to generate money is IMC. Otherwise known as Internet Marketing Center. Cory Rudl was the founder before a traggic car accident claimed his life. Now the company is run by his protege Derek Gehl and seems to be just as successfull, offering affiliates multiple free websites to market with "Top Rate Marketing Tool's".

An excellent affiliate pay plan as well as great marketing resources make this an excellent alternative to ClickBank to make money with free sites.

So, after reviewing free money making webistes, You are right to go ahead and join them and start marketing them full time to start earning money from home.

Friday, January 4, 2008


By: John Farina

If you want to make money online without having you own products, selling other people's products could be the ticket. Selling others products has many advantages. You do not have to spend time on creating the products, you do not have to set up a system to sell and deliver the products, and you do not have to get a merchant account and pay recurring merchant account fees. The person who owns the product does all of these things for you. All you have to do is market the product and make money with it.

So how can you make money with other people's products? People who have created products usually run affiliate programs. An affiliate program is a way for you to earn commissions every time you sell someone else's product. When you sign up for an affiliate program, you will get your own unique id you use to link to products you are promoting. Once you make sales using your affiliate links, you will generate commissions.

Here are five steps to take to make money with affiliate products:

- Find A Product To Sell. Before going any further, you need to find a product that will sell. A product should have a professional appearance, be presented on a professional web site and be a quality product that you would want to recommend to others.

Once you find the product, join the affiliate program for it and get your affiliate links.

- Create A Web Site To Sell The Affiliate Product. Having your own web site to promote the affiliate products is best. I always recommend that you get your own domain name and web hosting to host your web site.

The cost of domain names and web site hosting has come down considerably since just a few years ago. You can now get a domain name for about $8 per year and web site hosting for under $10 per month. At these prices you don't have to be a millionaire or commit to a large capital outlay to start your own web site.

- Create Content For The Web Site. To get more visitors and more sales, you need content for your web site. It is not enough to just link to the product with your affiliate link. In order to make money with your affiliate link you need to bring potential buyers to your web site. A great way to bring them in is with content that is of interest to them, and is related to the product you are promoting.

One good way to generate the content for your web site is by creating your own content and articles that are related to the topic of the product you are promoting. Another good way is by using the articles that were written by the author of the product. Many authors allow their affiliates use the authors' articles on their web sites, and use the affiliate link in the resource box.

- Optimize Your Web Site for Search Engines. Search engine optimization is the process of modifying web page content and meta-information to improve the search engine ranking of the page. Successful search engine optimization will greatly increase the number of visitors that come to your web site. The more visitors to the web site you have, the more affiliate products you will be able to sell, and the more money you will make.

Make sure you optimize every page of your web site for search engines; that way you will get more web site visitors.

- Use Your Articles To Promote The Affiliate Product. Article publishing is a great way to drive traffic to your web site. Start by writing a few articles that are of interest to the people who would want to purchase the product you are promoting. Use the About The Author Resource Box to promote the product. Then take your articles and submit them to article directories. Doing this will bring more traffic to your web site and help you make more money.

Remember, you do not need to create your own products to make money online. Follow the five steps we outlined above to make lots of money selling other people's products.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


By: Sarah Russell

To get on the road to financial freedom, you’ve got to have a budget to help you focus on achieving your financial goals. If you’d like to own your own home someday or pay off all your credit card debt, you need to plan ahead and set aside money to make your dreams a reality. But saving money can seem impossible when you’re already reaching to pay all your bills. Fear not – it can be done! Check out some of these easy tips to help you start saving money.

Spare Change Matters

Don’t underestimate the power of the penny! If don’t think you can afford to put any extra money into a savings account, commit to saving your loose change for that purpose. At the end of each day, put all your loose coins in a jar or a cheap piggy bank. As your jar fills up, stop by a Coinstar machine and deposit the cash into your savings account.

Let Online Banking Help You

Online banking makes it easy to transfer money to your savings account. If have direct deposit for your paycheck, you should be able to set up an automatic transfer so that a portion of your money automatically goes to your savings account. If you never see the money, in your checking account, you won’t be as tempted to spend it. Most experts recommend that you automatically deposit 10% of your take-home pay, but if this is too much for you to start with, try to work up to it.

Learn the Trading Game

If you’re great with kids, why not volunteer to watch a colleague’s children in exchange for a free ride to work? Or offer to trade some of your world-famous pies for some auto repair work from a car-loving friend. Everyone have some skills – use the things you’re good at to trade for the goods and services you’d otherwise pay for.

Cut Your Utility Bills

With the explosive growth of modern technology, it seems that there’s some new gadget for every task. Using all these tools can make your life easier, but it also increases your energy bill. One night a week, wash your dishes by hand, or hang your clothes to dry on a clothesline in your laundry room. Buy a carpet sweeper or a manual lawnmower to replace their energy-guzzling alternatives. You’ll cut your energy bill and develop a new-found respect for your pioneer ancestors.

Live the High Life on a Budget

Buying a $5 coffee everyday or catching dinner and a movie every Friday night with your partner can quickly chip away at your savings. If you can’t give up your Starbucks, consider switching to plain black coffee with a bit of flavored creamer. You’ll save money as well as all those calories in your grande caramel macchiato! Learn to cook a nice dinner to serve by candlelight in your home and follow it up with your favorite old movie on the couch.

If some of these tradeoffs don’t sound like much fun, try to keep your financial goals in mind. Picture yourself moving into your new home or driving down the road in your Ferrari convertible. If you stay focused on your goals, you’ll find it much easier to stick with your budget and save more money. For more easy ways to save money, visit The Sexy Secretary - a great website with lots of tips on living the good life on a budget.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


By: Gary Ruplinger

Looking for ways to save money on gas that won’t require you to go out and spend more money just so you can save a few bucks at the pump.

If you have a perfectly good vehicle, then spending $25k on a new hybrid car just so you can save $10 when you fill up at the pump might not be such a good deal.

Also, if you’re not the type that wants to install any of those “gas saving” devices in your car, then this list is for you.

Whether or not you have any mechanical skills, you can use these no brainier methods to start saving money on gas right now – even if you don’t know how to change a tire.

1 – Get A Gas Card

Want a tip that will save you money every single time you fill up at the pump no matter what vehicle you drive? It’s a gas card. Just about every major gas station offers their own brand of gas credit card that will allow you to save 3-5% on all your gas purchases at their gas stations. Forget about the branded gas cards and get one that will save you 5% on gas no matter where you fill up, like the Discover Open Road Card. Just remember, pay it off every month or it won’t save you any money.

Saving 5% off every gallon of gas means that $3/gallon gas now costs only $2.85 and $4/gallon becomes $3.80. If you have a 25 gallon tank, you’d save $3.75 every time you filled up ($3/gallon gas).

A lot of people use a credit card when filling up at the pump anyway since it’s easy and convenient. You may as well get a gas card so it’s easy, convenient, and saving you money.

2 – Avoid Aggressive Driving

Hitting the gas hard when the light turns green and braking hard will make your car drink gas faster than a drunk at an open bar at a wedding. If you were to drive away from a stop at a more moderate pace, accelerate in traffic more slowly, and anticipate when you’re going to need to brake ahead of time so you can do so slowly, you’re going to save a lot of gas – up to 37% – about the same buying a hybrid car but this tip won’t cost you anything. (oh yeah, it’s safer too)

3 – Use Your Cruise Control

Personally, I won’t buy a car if it doesn’t have cruise control, since it means I don’t have to worry so much about keeping my speed constant. However, cruise control also had the added benefit of saving you gas too. On average, you’ll save about 7% more gas than if you don’t use cruise control.

4 – Slow Down

Sure, going fast can be fun. It can also get you a nice collection of speeding tickets, but more importantly, the faster you drive the more gas you use. I’m not saying that you need to drive like your grandmother, but slowing down from 75 to 65 can you 12% on you gas bill, and unless you’re driving across the country, the time difference in getting where you’re going will be minimal.

5 – Stop Idling

Having the car running when it’s not moving wastes gas.

I remember being taught when I was first learning to drive that you should let your car warm up for a few minutes before driving it anywhere when it’s cold outside. While that may be true for older cars, modern cars don’t need warm up time before being ready to drive. Don’t drive like a maniac (see #2) before you car is completely warmed up and you’ll be fine.

If you going to be sitting and waiting some place without moving for more than about a minute, turn off the engine. It probably goes without saying that if you can avoid rush hour traffic, you should.

Also, one great place to sit and waste gas is your local fast food drive-thru. Get off your lazy butt, get out of your car and go inside to get your food.

6 – Plan Ahead

Instead of driving to the gym, going home, driving to work, driving home, driving to the store, and then home again, start combining trips whenever possible. This is really easy to do if you just think ahead. Avoid just spontaneously hopping in the car and driving to the store to pick up some milk and eggs. Think about what else you can do if you’re going to be out running errands anyway so that you can avoid another trip later.

7 - You got legs – use’em

Really want to save money on gas? Then use your legs. A lot of trips aren’t really that far, and while it takes a little longer to walk somewhere than to drive there, it’s a good chance to get outside, get some fresh air and get some exercise in the process. It’s really not necessary to drive absolutely everywhere unless you happen to live in the middle of nowhere. So get yourself a comfortable pair of tennis shoes and start walking instead of driving when you can.

Also, a bicycle is a nice compromise between the two, and can actually be faster to get some places than a car. I remember when I was in college and moved off campus – although we lived almost 2 miles from campus, it was a lot faster for me to take my bicycle to go to class than to take my car.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


By: Gordon Mchale

Yes that’s right money for free, no this is not a mistake or a misprint, and this is how you can get money for free.

It is the latest idea on the internet, all you have to do to get your money is what you already do and that is surf the internet, you also get paid for referring other people who sign up for free and they get paid for surfing the net.

This is about to become the biggest thing on the internet as not only do you get free money when you surf the internet but you also become a part owner in the company when you sign up.

Take note if this idea becomes as big as the experts think it will be as big as you tube which google just bought for 1.8 billion dollars, now that’s interesting.

Could the same thing happen with this that is very possible?

The only things we have to do is sign up surf the internet for which we get free money, and refer others to sign up who then get free money for surfing the internet.

It’s that easy.

So lets look at this, it costs us nothing to sign up it costs us nothing to refer other people to sign up it costs those other people nothing to sign up and so on, we then all get free money for doing what we do anyway, plus we become part owners in a company that has the possibility to become as big as you tube and therefore worth as much money.

I know what my feelings are on this, Show Me The Free Money, And in the future maybe even a lot more free money.

So if you like the idea of getting free money the same as i do, then I think it is time for this idea to become very succesful, don't you agree.