
Friday, December 14, 2007


By: Stephen Thomas

The Principle Law Of Online Moneymaking Ventures

There are two ways to earn money in the real world. Either you will work for a boss, or be your own boss. Working for a boss entails employment of some nature, in an establishment that has some need for the services you could provide. Being your own boss entails having your own business and facilitating the production of some goods or the distribution of some services. Either way, you'll earn your keep (or at least, you should).

It's the basic law of making money, you have to give or render something to receive something in return. When it comes to making money online, it's the same principle at work. You have to give or render something to receive something in return. And yes, you could work for a boss, or you could be your own boss. The opportunities are there in the World Wide Web. The choice is yours. The first question in your mind, most probably, is this: could I really earn a living online?

The answer to that question is an emphatic "yes!" But let me explain, dear friend. I am not referring to some ordinary opportunities that would reward you with measly earnings that won't even be enough to purchase a happy meal. Oh, most definitely not. I am talking about REAL opportunities that would help you earn REAL money in the World Wide Web.

The things you will learn in this series of email lessons would make you realize that the virtual world is just as profitable, if not more lucrative, than offline ventures. Based on my experience, it is more profitable to have your own business on the internet. Case in point: I personally know 34 people who live comfortable lives by working for someone else via the communication channels that the internet has made possible, but I also personally know around 200 people who have made it big online without having to work as much as those who have decided to render their services for hire. By "big," I mean big time big! I'm talking about a yearly gross in the high six digits, if not over the magical 7 digit barrier! And I'm just talking about the people I "personally" know, people I have befriended and people I have mentored at some point. What more the people outside my circle, right?

But first, we must cover the basics. Tell me, what's the common thing that can be observed in any business? The answer, of course, is that you have to sell something. What you will be able to sell would be your bread and butter. It will be the source of your profits. You can't earn if you can't offer anything for a particular market. You may offer them some goods or some services, which they would need or want. This is related to the driving principle of the commercial world: the law of supply in demand. This principle is quite easy to understand. The lower the supply, the higher the demand. This is the lesson I want you to learn: you can't make money from the real world without delivering something, be it some goods or some services. And you can't make money from the internet without delivering something as well. It's the basic business model at work.

Using what we have discussed so far as basis, we could formulate an outline for your online business plan, one that would allow you to cover the basic concepts and advance to more complicated ones. Here are the things you have to learn, eventually:

1. How to find a profitable market.

2. The different types of products you could sell.

3. How to create your own information product.

4. How to create unconventional products that can be digitally delivered.

5. How to come up with products without having to go through the process of creation.

6. How to build your own digital store.

7. The basics of search engine optimization.

8. The basics of article marketing.

9. The basics of forum marketing.

10. How to make a blog work for your business.

11. How to price your product.

12. How to employ novel packaging techniques to make your product highly sellable.

13. Cross-selling and back-selling items for sustainable profit.

I am not exaggerating when I tell you that you'd be able to earn an amount that might rival and even surpass what you earn from your day job. The Internet, after all, has always been a secret breeding ground for millionaires. Master the basics we have enumerated above and you will be able to realize the extreme profitability an online moneymaking opportunity can truly offer.